Saturday, July 4, 2009

The "Discussion" rages on

Well, Well, Well.

Mention the word homosexuality within a church and see everyone run to protect and staunchly uphold their own views. Of course, this is human nature. Bible verses are wielded like weapons to pummel the opposition into the ground. I don't actually think this is what the Bible was designed for, but what do I know, I really can't say I am a shiny example to others on how to live the Christian life.

So what are my own views?

Firstly, and its a personal view, do whatever you want as long as it causes no pain to others. I can live with that!

Secondly,If you are searching for something more, I figure the church should scream with open arms "come on in, take a seat, rest a while".

For anything else, refer to rule number 1!