Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sometimes I just get tired,ooh so tired

Sometimes, Christians make me tired, bone weary, dog tired.

When listening to ALL to "criteria" that is spewed forth my way by some well meaning Christian I want to crawl up in bed and sleep the day away. It can be all to hard. I get tired just LISTENING to what I "have" to do in order to be a "real" Christian.

To become a Christian, what is actually demanded of Us? That we believe Jesus Christ is the saviour, that he died on the cross for us,at least as I understand it. I can't see that anything is asked of us. Not being good, not being "religious", not belonging to Church, not doing good deeds and acts,not being baptised. Non of these things are a pre-requisite to becoming what we commonly call a Christian. On a really simplistic level all you really have to say is 2 little words.

"I believe".

P.S. this particular line of thought for me is a work in progress. I type something then go away, mull it over and come back a little later and revise, edit, delete, then the process starts again. Its not going so well, incase you were wondering, what's in my head and what ends up on "paper" looks nothing the same!